Click here to see a side view of Jack's famous 'Bee's Lure' logo!

Danny Shepherd and I pose here aft of my boat, “Ol’ Man Beesler”

Following another successful halibut trip out in Cook Inlet about 13

Miles from the landing at Deep Creek. Just set course from Deep Creek

To Augustine…and anchor once you’ve gone 13 miles, reached about

150 feet of water, and where the tide rip is separated from brackish to

Clear water. I sold the boat to Danny prior to my move south.


Click here for a closer view the entire day's catch...thanks to Pearl's proxy!

These 12lb  to 46lb halibut made for a nice day's catch.  Two 20lb+

 helped to fill the cooler. The second day of fishing on June 1, 2001 was

 just as good. Just use the tractor launch at Deep Creek, head south toward

 the active volcano Mt. Augustine, in Cook Inlet, and when you've gone

 13 miles and reached a 150 feet of water, drop anchor and start fishin'!



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